This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to establish the strategic direction of the organisation, sustain competitive advantage and enhance competitiveness. It covers analysis and interpretation of relevant markets, capability assessment of the organisation and analysis of the organisation’s existing and potential competitors and allies. It also covers implementation of the strategic plan and developing specific actions and initiatives that will be undertaken by people working in various roles.
It applies to individuals working in senior roles in the organisation who have responsibility for ensuring that the organisation is positioned to ensure its long-term viability and success.
No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.
T: XXXXXXXXXXBrisbane) | XXXXXXXXXXMelbourne)E: XXXXXXXXXXW: Campus: 98 Cleveland Street, Greenslopes QLD 4120Melbourne Campus: Level...
Microsoft Word - RES BSBMGT616 V3.docxBSBMGT616 DEVELOP AND IMPLEMENT STRATEGIC PLANSLEARNER RESOURCE2BSBMGT616-Developandimplementstrategicplans...
Answer Booklet & Marking GuideBSBMGT616 Develop and implement strategic plansAssessment-2Student Must Fill this SectionStudent Name:Student ID:Term: Year: Signature: ...
BSBMGT616 XXXXXXXXXXDevelop and Implement Strategic PlansAssessment Task 1: Written QuestionsGive three examples of risks that should...
Assessment Pack - OD Advanced Diploma of Marketing and Communication (BSB61315) Unit: BSBINM601 – Manage Knowledge and Information BSB61315| BSBINM601 Manage Knowledge and Information...
hi, i,ve attached 2 files. the file which is named as assignment you need to work on it and the other file is for the help. now when you will open the assignment file there is a a written activity...
Hi, this document consists of 4 assessments also, I have attached the sample copy of the assignment which consists of all the 4. Please use that as a reference since I don't have any idea about this...
Assessment Task 1 (BSBMGT616)Assessment Task 1BSBMGT616 Develop and implement strategic plansConfirm organisational vision and missionSubmission detailsCandidate’s namePhone...
Advance Diploma in leadership management.Develop and implement strategic plan
Projet (Assessment task XXXXXXXXXXA. Establish a Vision, mission and values B. Adopt criteria for efective vision, mission and value statements C. Develop one or more draft statements D. Judge...
Performance objectiveIn this assessment, you are required to manage the review of the currency of the organisational vision and mission, make any necessary changes, and communicate the review process...
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